In September of this year, Spain recorded a staggering 143,868 job vacancies, shedding light on the nation’s vibrant employment landscape. Amid this, certain sectors are grappling with labor shortages, creating a demand for skilled professionals. This article delves into the top 15 in-demand jobs that not only contribute to the country’s economic growth but also present potential pathways for securing a Spanish work visa.

Labor Shortages and Sectors in Demand

Labor shortages are particularly evident in sectors such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), healthcare, construction, and hospitality. The scarcity of skilled workers has prompted Spain to seek talent from various fields.

In 2023, Spain anticipates a minimum wage of €1260, while the average monthly salary hovers around €2,263, making it an attractive destination for job seekers.

Challenges in Filling Positions

Despite Spain being among the countries with lower open vacancy rates in Europe, the number of job openings surged to 143,868 in September, according to EUROSTAT. The most challenging vacancies are found in ICT, renewable energies, healthcare, hospitality, construction, fishing, and metal repairs.

Compared to 2022, the number of job openings in 2023 appears to be higher, with the services sector concentrating the majority of positions.

Top 15 In-Demand Occupations

The national demand for skilled professionals encompasses various fields, including data analytics, computer engineering, renewable energy engineering, healthcare, and skilled trades. Notably, the shortage is not limited to highly skilled roles, as industries also face a significant gap in medium-skilled staff, particularly in transport, vehicle maintenance, and healthcare.

Regional Variation in Job Demands

Different autonomous regions in Spain exhibit distinct needs. For example, Andalusia seeks professionals in tourism, hospitality, healthcare, and technology, while Aragon prioritizes agriculture, logistics, and construction. Tailoring job applications to regional demands could enhance chances of securing a position.

Job Opportunities and Spanish Work Visas

Foreigners with expertise in these in-demand occupations stand a higher chance of obtaining a Spanish work visa due to the urgent need to fill these positions. However, Spain continues to face challenges in low-skilled occupations and public employment services due to a surplus of job seekers.

Salaries Across Industries

The highest-paying positions in Spain are often related to technology, including roles like cyber security engineer and computer engineer, with annual average salaries exceeding €60,000. In contrast, the hospitality industry tends to offer lower salaries, with positions such as waiter and cook averaging below €25,000 annually.

Cost of Living in Spain

While Spain ranks as the 26th most expensive country in Europe and the 57th worldwide, living costs should not be underestimated. The estimated monthly cost for a single person ranges from €1,295.97 to €1,439, depending on whether they reside in the city center or outside. Families of four can expect monthly costs ranging from €3,325 to €3,633.


Spain’s dynamic job market presents diverse opportunities for skilled professionals, with certain sectors actively seeking international talent. Navigating regional variations and understanding salary expectations can enhance the prospects of securing employment and thriving in Spain’s rich cultural and economic landscape.