Estonia is deliberating the complete closure of its border with Russia, a move inspired by its neighbor Finland’s recent actions. The decision comes in the wake of 30 migrants, primarily from Somalia and Syria, failing in their attempt to enter Estonia through Russia.

Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna has accused Moscow of masterminding a deliberate trend, utilizing migrants to destabilize the country. Expressing concern, Tsahkna has urged Estonian citizens to refrain from traveling across the eastern border with Russia.

This potential border closure mirrors recent measures taken by Finland, which closed several border crossing points due to a surge in irregular migrant arrivals. The move follows Finland’s determination to halt the instrumentalization of people guided by Russia to its border amid harsh winter conditions.

In a bid to safeguard national security, Estonia contemplates sealing its border entirely, viewing the increase in irregular migrants reaching both Estonia and Finland as part of a hybrid attack operation orchestrated by Moscow. Finland, in response, deployed 50 border guard officers and additional personnel for enhanced border control.

These developments unfold against the backdrop of a broader European context, where the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex reported an 18% increase in irregular border crossing attempts at the EU’s external borders during the first ten months of the year. The surge in irregular border activities has prompted various countries, including those in the EU, to reinstate border controls as part of efforts to bolster national security in a changing geopolitical landscape.